
This site was created and is maintained by SpaceBass, but much of the unfiction lovin' being served up to you is due to the hard work, support, and contributions of friends of this site. would like to profusely thank the following people.

DonkeyOatey : design assistance and support. thanks for the site name, dude!
UrbanZombie : the unholy saga
Avery Vincent : tools and alias history
Celina63 : tools
Brooke Thompson : many many tools, design assistance and support
CeruleanGalactus : tools
Derek Jensen : lexicography
Diandra : tools and support
Steve Peters (aka vpisteve) : contributing author
Cherold : tools
Jackie Kerr (aka ScarpeGrosse / ScrappyDoo) : Huge gouts of CSS help, Acheron info
Wishi-San, E.Y.E. Spy, and natas : Codemasters
The Unforum Members : a boundless resource

Rumor Mongers : you know who you are!

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