Natural Causes, Redux

This is part of an experimental storytelling series. To avoid potential spoilers and because context is important, if you are new to this project, please begin with the Introduction located here. -SpaceBass

Since unexpected twists are rarely so, perhaps this one will come as no surprise. The second title in our series is only slightly less traditional, Natural Causes, Redux. Now that you have read the text posted earlier today, please read it again bearing in mind the reveal included in the ending chapter. Does his story – his actions, emotions, and perceived motivations – now evoke the same feelings and understanding as before?

I should note that technically this idea violated one of the contest rules barring simultaneous story entries. Please post your comments in the discussion thread linked from the trout icon below.

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Big thanks go out to my friends Krystyn, Andrea, Jon, Cary, and Dina, whose assistance was invaluable in constructing this series. Thanks also to the guys at the Machine of Death for the inspiration.